January 7, 2009

Is this the right time to buy property abroad?

BrixResearch Moderator says: Property markets across the world have shown signs of recessions. Property prices have mellowed down all over as there are very few buyers for real estate at this point of time. Financial crisis have added further pressure on the real estate sales.

It is estimated that property prices in the US have plunged by as much as 50-60%. Is it a good idea to buy/lease property abroad when property prices there are so low?

Share your views in the ‘comments’ section.


  1. Anonymous9/1/09

    Ceratnily for those who have excessive cash. Otherwise one should just hold on to the liquid cash.

  2. Anonymous10/1/09

    not really the best time as realty prices may crash further. Wait for best deals to come

  3. Anonymous29/1/09

    Property has never been so risky as it is now. Hold on to your money right now.
